First Place Sara Galbiati
"The Circus Kids of Kabul"
Kids from the Mobile Mini Circus for Children in Kabul posing in their homemade costumes that they use in their educational entertainment shows all around Afghanistan.
43 per cent of Afghanistan's population is under 15 years old, but childhood does not fit easily into a life of war and poverty. But one hundred of Kabul's children have a more joyful daily life than the majority of children in Kabul. Six afternoons a week they gather at the Mobile Mini Circus for Children - MMCC, here the children learn juggling, acrobatics, singing, comedy and theater. They use their skills to make educational entertainment about the problems they face in their everyday lives, and in their homemade costumes and shows they tour all over Afghanistan. The kids learn to go on stage and speak their mind about the society they live in. They are tough that they have a voice, and from this the children gain confidence and most importantly, a belief that they can change their country's future to the better.
At the school playground, Monir Ahmad age 12 poses in a car costume. The costume is used to teach awareness about road safety. When the children perform their shows all around Kabul, they try to make it fun to learn about the danger of landmines, health issues and other problems that concern them.