POYi Multimedia

66th POYi Visions of Excellence
This was the "eye-opener" show at the POYi Education & Awards Program in Los Angeles at the Annenber Space for Photography. The 30-minute show is a themed presentation from the 66th annual competition, produced by MediaStorm.

John Moore, Getty Images
Magazine Photographer of the Year
65th POYi Visions of Excellence
This was the "eye-opener" show at the POYi Education & Awards Program in Washington, D.C. on the first day at the Newseum. The 30-minute show is a themed presentation from the 65th annual competition.

A Look Back at the Judging (POYi 66)
A few images from the three-week judging process held February 15 - March 6, 2009 in Tucker Forum on the University of Missouri campus in Columbia, Missouri.

Walter Iooss, Jr., Sports Illustrated
"The Face of Baseball"
65th Portrait Series category
Listen to the judges comment on the winning entries in the Portrait Series category from the 65th annual competition. (Produced by Kelli Hovey)

Tom Shields, United Press International
"Get in Step"
1963 — Feature category winner
the POYi Archive: Telling the Story, Fair and True
The POYi Archive is a visual treasure that spans 66 year, going back to images of the Franklin D. Roosevelt presidency. This 17-minute show takes a historical journey through the news events, social issues, and cultural trends of the past seven decades. (Produced by Rick Shaw)

W. Eugene Smith
"Minamata: Tomoko Uemura in Her Bath"
32nd POYi — World Understanding Award
About the Archive
Director Rick Shaw provides an overview of POYi history and describes the potential of the 65-year photographic archive. (Produced by Shane Epping)

Todd Heisler, The Rocky Mountain News
"Final Salute"
63rd POYi — General News Reporting
Through the Decades
Review the most memorable and historic images of our times. Since 1944, POYi reflects the news events and social trends of our world. (Edited by Angus McDougall, Produced by Keith Greenwood)