Judges' Special Recognition
Barbara Davidson
Los Angeles Times
"Frozen Land - Forgotten People"
Thomasina Nez, 35, gives Bobbi, 4, one of her seven children, a bath in a small tin basin next to the wood stove in their dilapidated trailer in Cameron, Arizona, on a wintry day in mid-December. Thomasina, who lives in the now former "Bennett Freeze" area, has no running water and is forced to bathe her children with water hauled from 30 miles away and warmed up by the families' wood stove. She bathes the smallest one, who uses the least amount of water, first, then adds a bit more water to bathe the next in line, and does so until the basin is filled to bathe the 6 year-old. It's too expensive, at 2$ per shower, at the local RV station, to shower her family there. So they go without.