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Main | Feature Picture Story - Freelance/Agency | Second Place
First Place
Fatemeh behboudi

"Mothers of Patience"

Second Place
Andrea Bruce
NOOR Images for the New York Times

"Living Under the Regime"

Third Place
Annalisa Natali Murri

"Len's Daughters"

Award of Excellence
Arko Datto

"Color, Sleep and Dreams"

Award of Excellence
Morten Germund

"Love, Lost Love"

Second Place
Andrea Bruce
NOOR Images for the New York Times

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

"Living Under the Regime"

In areas under the control of the Syrian regime, the future is unknown...full of "gray people" who have no loyalties.Five million are displaced, looking for work, school and a home. Suspicion is rife.

Displaced from Homs, Abu Abdullah and Lena Seriani Tamer Mizha now live in a small one-room apartment on Straight Street in the Old City of Damascus. Of the rebels who took over their home in Homs, they said "some are thieves, some are foreigners who are the worst and some are being paid."



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