Category: Daily Life
First Place
Mads Nissen / Politiken
“Caught in a land of gangs, drugs and extreme inequality”
Second Place
Jerome Delay / Associated Press
“Weeping from Ebola”
Third Place
Matthew Abbott / Freelance
Award of Excellence
Tariq Zaidi / Freelance
“Family members carry a coffin”
Award of Excellence
Anas Alkharboutli / Deutsche Presse Agentur
“Puppeteer in Syria”
Award of Excellence
Ian Willms / Panos Pictures
“Warren With Family”
Award of Excellence
Yasuyoshi Chiba / Agence France-Presse
“Our Ping-pong”
Award of Excellence
Jessica Rinaldi / Boston Globe
“Arthur C. Luf Children’s Burn Camp”

Award of Excellence
“Warren With Family”
Warren John Simpson (second from right) is surrounded by friends and family as he copes with a rare form of bile duct cancer known as cholangiocarcinoma, at his home, in Fort Chipewyan AB. Cholangiocarcinoma typically impacts 1/100,000 people annually. Warren's was the sixth case in Fort Chipewyan in 15 years, a community of 1,200 people. Warren died of his illness a few hours after this photo was taken.