POY RJI | Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute

Category: Daily Life

First Place

Mads Nissen / Politiken
“Caught in a land of gangs, drugs and extreme inequality”

Second Place

Jerome Delay / Associated Press
“Weeping from Ebola”

Third Place

Matthew Abbott / Freelance

Award of Excellence

Tariq Zaidi / Freelance
“Family members carry a coffin”

Award of Excellence

Anas Alkharboutli / Deutsche Presse Agentur
“Puppeteer in Syria”

Award of Excellence

Ian Willms / Panos Pictures
“Warren With Family”

Award of Excellence

Yasuyoshi Chiba / Agence France-Presse
“Our Ping-pong”

Award of Excellence

Jessica Rinaldi / Boston Globe
“Arthur C. Luf Children’s Burn Camp”

Second Place: Jerome Delay / Associated Press

Second Place

“Weeping from Ebola”

In this photograph taken Sunday 14 July 2019, Ismael Kasereka, 14, weeps at the funeral of his uncle and aunt in Beni, Congo DRC. Mussa Kathembo, an Islamic scholar who had prayed over those who were sick, and his wife Asiya died of Ebola. More than 1,600 people in eastern Congo have died as the virus has spread in areas too dangerous for health teams to access.