Category: Daily Life
First Place
Mads Nissen / Politiken
“Caught in a land of gangs, drugs and extreme inequality”
Second Place
Jerome Delay / Associated Press
“Weeping from Ebola”
Third Place
Matthew Abbott / Freelance
Award of Excellence
Tariq Zaidi / Freelance
“Family members carry a coffin”
Award of Excellence
Anas Alkharboutli / Deutsche Presse Agentur
“Puppeteer in Syria”
Award of Excellence
Ian Willms / Panos Pictures
“Warren With Family”
Award of Excellence
Yasuyoshi Chiba / Agence France-Presse
“Our Ping-pong”
Award of Excellence
Jessica Rinaldi / Boston Globe
“Arthur C. Luf Children’s Burn Camp”

Third Place
Tourists watch as Bruce the ram walks down the runway during the Sheep Shearing & Ram Parade at Paradise Country, an Australian farm experience theme park in Queensland. Australians are well used to seeing busloads of Chinese tourists, piling out at attractions, snapping selfies. In 2019, Australia hosted 1.3 million Chinese tourists, the largest group of foreign visitors. Their sight is so common, the groups tend to go unnoticed. The series follows one tour closely. 16th January 2019. Matthew Abbott for The New York Times.