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Main | Spot News | Award of Excellence

Category: Spot News

First Place
Abd Doumany/Freelance
"Youngest Victims"

Second Place
Peter Dejong/Associated Press
"Panic in Paris"

Third Place
Bassam Khabieh/Reuters
"Children saved from under rubble"

Award of Excellence
Anders Hansson/Freelance

Award of Excellence
Abbas Momani/Freelance
"Boy Detained"

Award of Excellence
Kai Oliver Pfaffenbach/Thomson Reuters
"Jump around with Super-Mario"

Award of Excellence
Andrew Quilty/Oculi for Foreign Policy
"The Man on the Operating Table: Baynazar"


Award of Excellence


15 November 2015. Terror in Paris. 15,000 people run in panic from Place de la Republique in Paris. In restaurants people take cover in terror under tables. In minutes the square is empty except for police officers taking cover with guns pointing in all directions. 15 minutes goes by and suddenly the police rise from their cover and call false alarm. A lightbulb is said to have exploded causing panic. Two days before the bloodiest terror attacks in a long time took place in Paris. Suicide bombers tried to get in to Stade de France and several bars and restaurants in Paris 10th and 11th arrondissements were attacked by gunmen and in the concert hall Le Bataclan a massacre took place. Before the carnage was over 129 people were dead and 352 injured.



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