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Main | Science & Natural History | Award of Excellence

Category: Science and Natural History

First Place
Tyler Anderson/National Post

Second Place
Philip Montgomery/Freelance
"The Slaughter"

Third Place
Kathleen Orlinsky/Freelance

Award of Excellence
Jane Hahn/Freelance
"Guinea Bissau"

Award of Excellence
Ivan Kashinsky/Geo France/Panos Pictures
"Giant Blade"

Award of Excellence
Senthil Kumaran Rajendran/Freelance
"Born for People"


Award of Excellence

"born for people"

Madhuravalli a 50 year old female temple elephant is at her last stage of life. At the age of 5 she was captured from the forest and tamed and trained for temple works. for the past 40 years she has been used for blessing the people in the temple. There are almost 4000 captive elephants in India that are being used for various works of which most of them are not maintained properly. They are living a pathetic life for their rest of the years.



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