Category: Impact 2018–Immigration Status
First Place
Alessio Paduano / Freelance
“Abandoned in the Mediterranean Sea”
Second Place
Daniel Ochoa de Olza / Associated Press
“Family Jump”
Third Place
Adriana Zehbrauskas / The New Yorker
“Migrant Caravan”
Award of Excellence
Juan Medina / Reuters
“Life and Death in the Mediterranean Sea”
Award of Excellence
Barbara Davidson / Freelance
“Desperate to Cross the Border into USA”
Award of Excellence
Brett Gundlock / Freelance

Award of Excellence
“Life and Death in the Mediterranean Sea”
Migrants rescued by NGO Proactiva Open Arms rescue boat in central Mediterranean Sea stand on board before arriving at the port of Algeciras in San Roque, southern Spain, Aug. 9, 2018.