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Emerging Vision Incentive | Nominee
Bharat Choudhary
"The Silence of Others"

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Bharat Choudhary

"The Silence of Others"

Amina Demir, 24, performs the 1700% poem at the Sullivan gallery, Chicago, IL. on May 21, 2010. 1700% project, by Anida Yoeu Ali, is an unapologetic response to injustices directed at the Muslim community. The poem is a Cento (100 lines of found writings) based on filed reports of hate and bias crimes against "Arabs" and "Muslims" since 9/11. Specifically, the 1700% Project strategically intervenes against the racial profiling and rise of violence and hate directed at Muslims in a post 9/11 era. The project challenges monolithic stereotypes of a "Muslim" identity while acknowledging the significance of historical persecution.

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