Award of Excellence
Jan Cagá
ISIFA Image Service
Competitor in the 100m swimming race at the Czech Republic Championship in Disabled Swimming 4th - 5 June 2010.
Ten percent of the total world population consists of people with some form of physical disability. If God enters into us like the light, why would a life with physical disabilities should necessarily be a life in the shadow? Imagine for a moment the world as an endless darkness, free-floating in a vacuum. Eyes that suddenly can not see. Limbs, which needless to move. Senses numb redundancy. All that ever mattered to us, is only one motion swept away forever. All physical ceases to exist, becomes unnecessary. And in this emptiness and transcendence at the same time we move the finger of left hand. We feel that a huge move, a chain reaction of all cells, fibers, energy force in the gushing one finger ... and ... happiness. And with that sense we can do absolutely everything. Barriers and walls are so high, as we self-build. These are the true heroes of today. Because only those who want to fight, win.