Lista de Ganadores del POYi Latino América
Fotógrafo Latinoamericano del Año
Primero, Gihan Tubbeh, Perú
Segundo, Rodrigo Abd, Guatemala/Argentina
Tercero, Colectivo Runa Photos/Karla Gachet, Ecuador
Mencion, Tomas Munita, Chile
Noticias Individual
Primero, Jose Luis Gonzalez Palacios, México
Segundo, Martin Pauca, Perú
Tercero, Guillermo Arias Camarena, México
Noticias Ensayo
Primero, Luis Hidalgo, Chile
Segundo, Atilio Orellana, Argentina
Tercero, Andrés Martínez Casares, Haiti/España
Mencion, Mauro Arias Panamá, El Salvador
Vida Cotidiana Individual
Primero, Sub - Cooperativa de Fotógrafos, Argentina
Segundo, Max Cabello Orcasitas, Perú<
Tercero, Richard Salgado, Chile
Retrato Individual
Primero, Alejandro Chaskielberg, Argentina
Segundo, Musuk Nolte Maldonado, Perú
Tercero, Atilio Orellana, Argentina
Mencion, Sub - Cooperativa de fotógrafos, Argentina
Mencion, Sub - Cooperativa de fotógrafos, Argentina
Retrato Ensayo
Primero, Gaby Messina, Argentina
Segundo, Jorge López Viera, México/Cuba
Tercero, Leonardo Ramirez, Venezuela
Mencion, CIA de Foto, Brasil
Mencion, Alejandro Chaskielberg, Argentina
Medio Ambiente Individual
Primero, Tomas Munita, Chile
Segundo, Janet Jarman, México
Tercero, Jimmy Trinidad Pirela Rodriguez, Venezuela
Medio Ambiente Ensayo
Primero, Tomas Munita, Chile
Primero, CIA de Foto, Brasil
Tercero, Tomas Munita, Chile
Migración y Tráfico Individual
Primero, Daniel Patino Flor, Ecuador
Segundo, Morten Andersen, Chile/Dinamarca
Tercero, Nicola Frioli, México/Italia
Mencion, Alonso Castillo, México
Migración y Tráfico Ensayo
Primero, Christian Rodriguez, Uruguay
Segundo, Gustavo Jononovich, Argentina
Tercero, Daniel Patino Flor, Ecuador
Mencion, Morten Andersen, Chile
Sociedad y Conflicto
Primero, Rodrigo Abd, Guatemala/Argentina
Segundo, Mauricio Lima, Brasil
Tercero, Gihan Tubbeh, Perú
Mencion, Rodrigo Abd, Guatemala/Argentina
Mencion, Valerio Bispuri, Argentina/Italia
Deportes Individual
Primero, Alejandro Kirchuk, Argentina
Segundo, Lucas Ninno Ometto, Brasil
Tercero, Alberto Orbegoso, Perú
Mencion, Gustav Arvidsson, Colombia/Suecia
Deportes Ensayo
Primero, Pablo Barrera, Argentina
Segundo, Daniel Kfouri, Brasil
Tercero, Gustavo Pellizzon, Brasil
Mencion, Ariana Cubillos, Perú
Multimedia Vida Cotidiana
Primero, Mauricio González y Katherine Arredondo Dávila, Colombia
Segundo, Supayfotos (colectivo), Perú
Tercero, Rodrigo Cruz, México
Mencion, José Ignacio Corbella, Chile
Mencion, Janet Jarman, México
Multimedia Noticias
Primero, Stephen Ferry, Colombia/USA
Mencion, Marcelo Salinas, Chile
Mejor Libro
Primero, "En El Camino", Edu Ponces, Toni Arnau, Eduardo Soteras, El Salvador/España
Mencion, "Historias Mínimas", Colectivo Runa Photos, Ecuador
Avanti: Desarrollo Sostenible
Primero, Sub - Cooperativa de Fotógrafos, Argentina
Mencion, Colectivo Runa Photos, Ecuador
Mencion, David Estrada, Colombia
Nuestra Mirada
Primero, Max Cabello Orcasitas, Perú
Mencion, Roberto Candia, Chile
Mencion, Gihan Tubbeh, Perú
Mencion, Martin Acosta, Argentina
Mencion, Ernesto Benavides, Perú
Mencion, Musuk Nolte Maldonado,Perú
Preguntas email:

Noticias - Primero
El cuerpo de un hombre fue encontrado colgado y esposado en el estacionamiento de un bar de nombre "Seven y Seven" ubicado en la av, Tecnologico y Pedro Rosales de Leon. Los hechos ocurrieron a las 10 de la noche el lunes 31 de agosto del 2009 en ciudad Juárez.
Foto: José Luis González
Vida Cotidiana - Primero
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Vida cotidiana en un de patio de conventillo (construcción típica de principios de siglo XX) de la Isla Maciel. Muchos niños y adultos del vecindario tienen plomo en sangre en cantidades suficientes como para afectar al sistema nervioso y disminuir el coeficiente intelectual. La salud se mantiene un circulo enfermizo muy difícil de mejorar, ya que respiran aire contaminado y toman agua contaminada.
Foto: Sub (Cooperativa de fotógrafos)
Retrato - Primero
Foto: Alejandro Chaskielberg
Medio Ambiente - Primero
Youth play soccer in La Oroya next to the American-owned smelter Doe Run Peru. This photo was taken in April 10, 2009, when production was almost completelly suspended due to an alleged financial crisis in the company, now it is still closed. The company claims that it was not able to carry out its environmental program in violation of its agreement with the goverment, arguing economic reasons, but for years it was operating in defiance of enviromental regulations, in a city where many children have tested for high lead levels in their blood due to smelter pollution.
Foto: Tomas Munita
Deportes - Primero
Hinchada de Boca Juniors durante la salida de su equipo a la cancha en el día del "Superclásico", en el estadio "La Bombonera". En Argentina, se llama Superclásico al partido que enfrentan a los dos clubes de fútbol más populares del país, Boca Juniors y River Plate.
Foto: Alejandro Kirchuk
Results Of POYi Latino America
The inaugural POYi Latino America photojournalism contest wishes to thank all of the 2011 participants, judges, assistants and sponsors. More than 700 photographers from throughout Latin America submitted 17,000 photographs that were viewed by a distinguished jury during the week of March 14-18. Tens of thousands from around the world followed the judging live via streaming on the internet, and many of them electronically registered their comments.
The jury awarded prizes in 18 categories in which winners represented twelve different Latin American nations and produced a body of outstanding work. Peruvian photographer, Gihan Tubbeh was named Latin American Photographer of the Year. Max Cabello Orcasitas also of Perú won the Nuestra Mirada Award; the Cooperativa Sub de Fotógrafos from Argentina took the top prize in the AVANTI/Multitrabajos Sustainable Development category and Edu Ponces, Eduardo Soteras and Toni Arnau of El Salvador/Spain won first place for their photographic book, "En El Camino." A complete list of winners can be viewed at
Universidad San Francisco de Quito hosted the contest in which judges discussed and selected the award winners before a live online audience to ensure openness and to maintain the integrity of the selection process. Sponsorship of the contest by Ecuador's El Universo as well as German Geo Magazine, the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas, the Reynolds Journalism Institute at the University of Missouri and the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Miami made the contest possible and allowed photographers to enter their work without paying an entry fee.
The Directors want to personally thank the judges, Walter Astrada, Iatä Cannabrava, Claudi Carreras Guillén, Ruth Eichhorn, Melissa Farlow, Francisco Mata Rosas, the special assistants, Elie Gardner, Alexandra Browning, Oscar Durand and Christine Martinez. We also want to thank el diario, El Universo, especially Carlos Perez Barriga and Monica Almeida, the Universidad San Francisco, especially Hugo Burgos, Rick Shaw, Director of POYi and most especially all of the photographers who took part in this first POYi Latino America.
We send a special request to all colleagues to help us promote the results of the competition in the media. We are ready to provide press material upon request.
Loup Langton & Pablo Corral Vega, Directors, POYi Latino America