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Main | News picture story | First Place
Category: News picture story

First Place

Joachim Ladefoged/Jyllands-Posten

"The new route - refugee crisis"

Second Place

Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times

"San Bernardino Attacks"

Third Place

Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post


Award of Excellence

Carolyn Van Houten/San Antonio Express-News

"Rebuilding after the floods"

First Place

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

"The new route - refugee crisis"

A young refugee woman with a child pleading a Croatian police officer to let her through the police line. When the refugees arrived in Tovarnik they met the Croatian police who was trying to keep people in line so they could put them on a bus a drive them to camps inside Croatia. But the refugees wanted to move on by them selfs and they broke the line of the police and created a total chaos within sec.



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