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Main | Multimedia Photographer of the Year | First Place
First Place
Liz O. Baylen
Los Angeles Times

Second Place
Rick Loomis
Los Angeles Times

Third Place
McKenna Ewen
The Minneapolis Star Tribune

Award of Excellence
Almudena Toral
Freelance for TIME Magazine and The New York Times

First Place
Liz O. Baylen (with Mary Vignoles)
Los Angeles Times

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Click here to view the entry where it originally appeared.


Prescription drug abuse is the fastest growing drug problem in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with prescription painkiller overdoses reaching epidemic proportions. Much of the dialogue surrounding the issue focuses on the misuse and abuse of the medications by patients and on the addiction that can result. But John Jackson cautions those who jump too quickly to conclusions about painkillers and about those who use them. Jackson, who suffered severe injuries as a stuntman, is dependent on prescription narcotics and says that they have given him his life back.



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