First Place
Mona Reeder The Dallas Morning News
"DYING IN THE SHADOW OF THE REFINERIES" Just moments after her sister, Yola, died of cancer,
Dorothea La Barrea, 52, (right, front) grieving and struggling to breathe,
put her dead sister's oxygen tubes into her own nose. She's never had
medical insurance despite working her entire life and can't afford the oxygen
she needs round the clock. Ms. La Barrea, who suffers from COPD (Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and asthma, has lived within blocks of the
refineries and chemical plants since she was a tiny child. The family
believes that both sisters became sick from being exposed to the carcinogens
released into the air by the refineries. After Yola died, family members
joined hands and sang Amazing Grace. |