Category: Documentary News Reporting
First Place
Magnus Wennman and Erik Wiman / Aftonbladet
“Calling Silva”
Second Place
Ilvy Njiokiktjien / Freelance
“Born Free: Mandela’s Generation of Hope”
Third Place
Leonora LaPeter Anton and John Pendygraft / Tampa Bay Times
“Our whole family is scarred”
Award of Excellence
Evan Hill, Christiaan Triebert, Malachy Browne, Dmitriy Khavin, Drew Jordan and Whitney Hurst / The New York Times
“Russia Bombed Four Syrian Hospitals. We Have Proof.”
Award of Excellence
Neil Collier, Yousur Al-Hlou and Jacob LaMendola / The New York Times
“65 Migrants Were Picked Up at Sea. Then the Politics Began.”
Award of Excellence
Barbara Marcolini, Ainara Tiefenthäler and Yuling Chow / The New York Times
“‘I Was Begging for Mercy’: How Undercover Officers in Hong Kong Launched a Bloody Crackdown”
Award of Excellence
Natasha Blatsiou and Nikos Pilos / iMEdD
“The Refuge”
Award of Excellence
Paul Mozur, Jonah M. Kessel and Melissa Chan / The New York Times
“Made in China, Exported to the World: The Surveillance State”
Award of Excellence
Almudena Toral / Univision
“Extreme violence is driving many Salvadoran girls to kill themselves”
Award of Excellence
Brent McDonald, Paula Moura, Ben Laffin and Emily Rhyne / The New York Times
“The Amazon Is Still Burning. Blame Beef.”

Award of Excellence
“The Refuge”
The Prosfygika building complex in Athens, Greece is probably the largest squat in Europe, a makeshift home for more than 500 people. Poor, refugees and political activists have formed a self-managed community for those in need. But now the state is determined to reclaim them for development.