Fighters of various militia groups in Ituri Province
turn in their weapons as part of a demobilisation program sponsored by the
United Nations. This man sports a US $100 bill pattern shirt. The United
Nations has given a deadline of April 1st for the militias in Eastern Congo
to disarm and take advantage of their program of incentives and aid for
demobilised fighters. Concurrently, Unicef and aid partners assist child
soldiers to return to their homes and families. Story Header:
De-mobilization of Militias in Eastern Congo MONUC (the United Nations Peace
Keeping Mission to the Congo) has given militias in the embattled Eastern
Provinces of the DR Congo until April 1st to turn in their weapons and join
the de-mobilization and re-integration program run by the UNDP (United
Nations Development Program). Although the program had been in effect for
months, there had been limited disarmament. Once the deadline had been set, a
flood of militiamen, including child soldiers, suddenly entered the program.