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  winning images | General News Reporting | Award of Excellence
First Place
Jodi Cobb National Geographic
"Bonded Labor"
Second Place
Stephen Alvarez Freelance
"Soldier enters Kansuk"
Third Place
Patrick Witty Freelance
"Death of the Unknown"
Award of Excellence
Thomas Dworzak Magnum Photos / TIME Magazine
Award of Excellence
Jodi Cobb National Geographic
Award of Excellence
Thomas Dworzak Magnum Photos / TIME Magazine
"CHAINED" IRAQ, Kirkuk. 04/10/2003 Kurdish oil rich city in the North of Iraq. Considered the "Jerusalem of the Kurds".After the city was abandoned the day after the fall of Baghdad, by Iraqi troops, following more then 3 weeks of US bombing of its frontlines and military/governement installations, thousands of Peshmerga forces from the two parties PUK and KDP entered the city. They took over former government buildings and there was widespread looting, mostly of government buildings. Several Iraqi soldiers were killed earlier, and Saddam Hussein statues were torn down and there was all-out celebration.


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