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  winning images | spot news | award of excellence

First Place
ilkka uimonen
Magnum / Newsweek

"Palestinian Informer's Fate"
Second Place
Eric Grigorian
Freelance / Polaris Images

"By His Father's Grave"
third Place
Ziv Koren
US News & World Report

award of excellence
Adam Daud
US News & World Report

award of excellence
James Nachtwey
VII / TIME Magazine

"Palestine: A Broken Promised Land"
award of excellence
Ami Vitale
Freelance / Getty Images

"India Communal Riots-Survivor"
award of excellence
Ami Vitale Freelance / Getty Images
"India Communal Riots-Survivor" Shaikh Kulsumbibi, 37, a Muslim whose village of Sardarpur was destroyed in a gruesome vengeance attack weeps as she seeks refuge in another village in India, March 3, 2002. Hindus came in the middle of the night and massacred nearly everyone of her neighbors and family living there in a strategically designed plan which involved flooding the exit and then electrocuting those who were not first killed by the firebombs and kerosene.
POYi 60 | Winners List | Winning Images | Judges

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