POYi 60 | Winners List | Winning Images | Judges    History | Archive | Endowment | Press Room | Contact   
  winning images | sports | Award of excellence

First Place
Jonas Bendiksen

"Child Learning to Box"
Second Place
David Burnett
Contact Press Images

"Sarah Hughes warming up"
third Place
Dan Marschka
Freelance /
Mennonite Central Committee

"Eastleigh B-ball"
award of excellence
Scott Barbour
Getty Images

award of excellence
David Burnett
Contact Press Images

"Olympic Ski Jumper"
award of excellence
Bill Frakes
Sports Illustrated

"Looking Back"
award of excellence
Bill Frakes
Sports Illustrated

"Clean Shot"
award of excellence
Walter Iooss Jr.
Sports Illustrated

"Laker Lift"
award of excellence
Lee K. Marriner
Freelance / Photojournalistas.com

"Butt Break"
award of excellence
Chris McGrath
Getty Images

"World Track Cycling"
Award of excellence
Lee K. Marriner Freelance / Photojournalistas.com
"Butt Break" Beachside Tomcats and York County War Chiefs players share cigarettes after their season opener in Kittery, Maine. Semi-Pro football is reminiscent of pro football's early days when players had bad habits like smoking and weren't all hulking freaks of nature as in today's NFL.
POYi 60 | Winners List | Winning Images | Judges

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