POYi 60 | Winners List | Winning Images | Judges    History | Archive | Endowment | Press Room | Contact   
  winning images | feature picture | award of excellence

First Place
Sage Sohier
The New York Times Magazine

"What They Were Thinking - Kandahar"
Second Place
Marcus Bleasdale IPG
"One Hundred Years of Darkness - Fish Woman"
third Place
David Butow
Corbis Saba /
US News & World Report

"Colonias - Sweet 15"
award of excellence
Molly Bingham WorldPictureNews
"Afghan Women"
award of excellence
Marcus Bleasdale IPG
"One Hundred Years of Darkness - Pygmies"
award of excellence
David Burnett
Contact Press Images

"September 11th Memorial"
award of excellence
Kenneth Jarecke
Contact / US News & World Report

"Ethiopia: impending famine-Firewood"
award of excellence
Joachim Ladefoged
Freelance / Agence VU

"Backstage - At the National Danish bodybuilding championships"
award of excellence
Tom Stoddart IPG
"Times Square - Naked Cowboy"
award of excellence
Tamara Voninski Oculi
"Street Performers"
award of excellence
Marcus Bleasdale IPG
"One Hundred Years of Darkness - Pygmies" Renowned for their skills as trackers and hunters, CongoÕs pygmies have been recruited as military scouts by both rebel and government forces. To avoid being drafted, many crossed the river to neighboring Republic of Congo. Long isolated in central AfricaÕs dense jungles, the pygmies are highly susceptible to disease in new urban environments.
POYi 60 | Winners List | Winning Images | Judges

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