POY RJI | Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute

Category: Daily Life Picture Story

First Place

Rodrigo Abd / Associated Press
“Fishing in Oil”

Second Place

Axelle de Russé / Freelance
“The longest night”

Third Place

Christian Bobst / Freelance
“The Sufi Brotherhoods of Senegal”

Award of Excellence

Aristide Economopoulos / NJ Advance Media
“Coney Island — NYC’s Summer Playground”

Award of Excellence

Carlos Folgoso / Freelance
“The Shining Land”

Award of Excellence

Mads Nissen / Politiken
“Planting Seeds in Peaceful Soil”

Award of Excellence

Eduardo Soteras / Agence France-Presse
“Ethiopian Orthodox Christmas”

First Place

“Fishing in Oil”

Prized oil wealth once pumped from Venezuela’s Lake Maracaibo has turned the vast body of water into a polluted wasteland as boom turns to bust. Nobody lives as closely with the environmental fallout as hundreds of crab fishermen who scratch out an existence on its perpetually oil-soaked shores.