POY RJI | Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute

Category: Daily Life

First Place

Mads Nissen / Politiken
“Caught in a land of gangs, drugs and extreme inequality”

Second Place

Jerome Delay / Associated Press
“Weeping from Ebola”

Third Place

Matthew Abbott / Freelance

Award of Excellence

Tariq Zaidi / Freelance
“Family members carry a coffin”

Award of Excellence

Anas Alkharboutli / Deutsche Presse Agentur
“Puppeteer in Syria”

Award of Excellence

Ian Willms / Panos Pictures
“Warren With Family”

Award of Excellence

Yasuyoshi Chiba / Agence France-Presse
“Our Ping-pong”

Award of Excellence

Jessica Rinaldi / Boston Globe
“Arthur C. Luf Children’s Burn Camp”

First Place: Mads Nissen / Politiken

First Place

“Caught in a land of gangs, drugs and extreme inequality”

As the police search a young man from her house, a young girl comes out to watch the turmoil.

South Africa's second largest city is plagued by crime and drugs. Twenty-five years after the fall of apartheid, the country has set a number one world record in inequality, and Cape Town has become one of the most dangerous cities in the world with raging gang-wars in the neglected townships.

Here, unemployment between 30 and 50 percent, drug abuse is widespread, and the areas are ruled by rival gangs with names such as Americans, Sexy Boys, Hard Livings, Mongrels and Junky Funky Kids.