Category: General News
First Place
Shawn Yuan / Freelance
Second Place
Ibraheem Mustafa / Reuters
Third Place
Paul Hansen / Dagens Nyheter
“Country of Tears”
Award of Excellence
Nicolas Asfouri / Agence France-Presse
“Hong Kong–China–Politics–Unrest–Crime”
Award of Excellence
Brendan Smialowski / Agence France-Presse
Award of Excellence
Michael Robinson Chavez / The Washington Post
Award of Excellence
Ramon Espinosa / Associated Press
“Shattered by Dorian”

First Place
Fleeing protesters climb over a highway barricade to evade an approaching police vehicle while others reach out in support from the other side during a march in Hong Kong on December 1.
In a self-branded "revolution of our times" in Hong Kong, millions of people have taken to the streets to oppose a now-scrapped extradition bill. As the movement drags on, protesters' demands have grown beyond the withdrawal of the said bill — they are asking for universal suffrage and independent investigation into police conduct during the protests, among other demands. The tension between protesters and police has gradually taken the center stage of this crisis. Fearing police arrests, protesters have made several epic escapes and triggered a city-wide discussion on police brutality.